Show info for: 'Texas Retro Revival'

'Texas Retro Revival' on koop at radioactivity.fm
Show nameTexas Retro Revival
Show DJ's ken,Matthew Johnson
Show infoWithin the streets of Austin there are young bands plying their own brand of rock and roll - kids that grew up on their dad's Kinks records and their mom's Beatle collections. Focusing on local and regional acts that are reviving feel-good rock/garage music.
Show RSS http://koop.radioactivity.fm/feeds/showrss.html?showoid=4619
Schedule Mondays, 8:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Schedule type Schedule is very specific, show will likely only appear at the noted times.
Contact infoJohnny Flores

Playlists for 'Texas Retro Revival'

08-12-2010 Click here for playlist