Playlist info for: 'Andean Hour' on 06-18-2019

Show nameAndean Hour
Show DJs Steve,Gilka Cespedes,Undercover Greg,Trace,rocky
Show infoThe Andean Hour features the musical traditions of the Andean countries - Bolivia, Peru - Ecuador, and parts of Chile and Argentina. It focuses on past and contemporary artists, as well as on the regional and local genres of both rural and city traditions. It explores the musical heritage of the indigenous Aymara and Quechua, the music of traditional festivals, and the immense diversity of song and dance forms, instruments, and voices from the Andes.
Show link http://koop.radioactivity.fm/show.html?showoid=4609
Playlist RSS http://koop.radioactivity.fm/feeds/playlistrss.html?showoid=4609&date=06-18-2019
Time Title Artist Album Label Genre
12:05 pm A. Jula Julas B. Lakitas Arawi Llajtanchisrayku Lauro World Music
12:15 pm Sikuri de Italaque Markasata "De Nuestro Pueblo Discolandia World Music
12:22 pm La Doctrina de los Ciclos Contemporary Orchestra of Native Instruments La Paz, Bolivia Arawi Arawi World Music
12:27 pm Saririway Kollahuara Musuy Paqariy Discolandia/Lyra World Music
12:30 pm Chimbaloma Chimbaloma Karuñan Chimbaloma TUMI World Music
12:48 pm Cumbres Contemporary Orchestra of Native Instruments La Paz, Bolivia ARAWI Arawi World Music

Playlist Artists:
 Contemporary Orchestra of Native Instruments La Paz, Bolivia

Playlist Labels: