Playlist info for: 'Roses and Thorns' on 18-11-11

Show nameRoses and Thorns
Show DJs Miss Novak,Miss Novak,The Swinger,Taj Paneer,Undercover Greg,Rush,Dot Matrix,Scott Gardner,rocky,Miss Buttercup,Chris
Show infoRoses & Thorns captures the essence of the sometimes whacked, sometimes exhilarating emotion of love by playing songs of love, adoration, and desire along with songs of heartbreak, disdain, unrequited love, and loneliness. A variety of musical genres will be played; primarily indie, folk, rock, mod, soul, and country.
Show link http://koop.radioactivity.fm/show.html?showoid=4564
Playlist RSS http://koop.radioactivity.fm/feeds/playlistrss.html?showoid=4564&date=18-11-11
Time Title Artist Album Label Genre

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