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Playlist info for: 'Around the Town Sounds' on 10-03-12

Playlist for 'Around the Town Sounds', 10-03-12, on koop at
Show nameAround the Town Sounds
Show DJs The Swinger,Texas Ted,Taj Paneer,Len Brown,Nessa,Dennis Campa,Rob Carter,Gilka Cespedes,Undercover Greg,Wild Eyes,Rush,Miss Flowers,Deidre,Nick Hennies,Tim,DJ Eric,DJ La Guera,Liz Lopez,Charlie Martin,Rock N Roll George,Trace,Darkside Daddy,DJ Bridget,Kim Simpson,( ( ( B L A C K S M I T H ) ) ),DJ Del Sur,daine,Miss Buttercup
Show infolocal music featuring more genres, artists, and fields of musical endeavor from the Austin area than any other weekly radio show anywhere
Show link
Playlist RSS
Schedule Saturdays 5:00pm - 6:00pm
Schedule type Schedule is very specific, show will likely only appear at the noted times.
Time Title Artist Album Label Genre
This playlist is for a show at KOOP, (KOOP). If you wish to contact this station - or this DJ - see: