Playlist info for: 'Texas Ted' on koop

Playlist for Texas Ted @ koop at

DJ name: Texas Ted
Bio: Supporting KOOP's mission, Under the X in Texas seeks out the senior and largely forgotten originators and forerunners of Texas music, brings to light obscure yet influential artists in the development and history of what we've come to know as Texas Music. Your host Ted Branson has lived in Austin,Texas for 36 years, traveled all over North America, amassed a huge collection on Vinyl and CD of all genres of Texas Music.
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Last seen on: Aug. 18, 2019 @ 7:52 am

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Listed below are the known shows for this DJ:

Show name Last seen Playlists
Under the X in Texas 05-28-2019 click
Around the Town Sounds 04-18-2019 click
Big Band and Classic Jazz 05-28-2016 click
Strictly Bluegrass 05-26-2019