Playlist Artists: Be My Doppelganger Billy Raygun DeeCracks Down the Rabbit Hole Iron Chic M.O.T.O. Mother's Children New Bruises Pregnant Sonic Avenues Starpunks The Accelerators The Anchor The Blame-Its The Creeps The Cyanide Pills The Fastbacks The Gamits The Headbangers The Headlines The Manges The Measeure [sa] The Mister T Experience The Nasty Cats The Popsters The Quarantines The Red Dons The Spinoffs The Transgressions Varsity Weirdos What Happened? Zatopeks
Playlist Labels: Badog Records Beautiful Losers Black Market Records Burn Books records Damaged Goods Dead broke Records Deranged records Dumb Records Eat Shit and Die Records Going Gaga Records Going Gaga records Insubordination Records It's Alive Records Kiss of Death Lookout Records Monster Zero Paper & Plastic records Popllama Records Stardumb Records Surfin' Ki Records Traffic Street Records Traffic Street records Voodoo Doll Records self-released unknown Playlist info for: 'Punk Melody Time' on 11-11-2010
Playlist for 'Punk Melody Time', 11-11-2010, on koop at
Show name
Punk Melody Time
Show DJs
Taj Paneer,Nessa,Lady Twist,Dan Cofer America's Favorite Radio Personality,Elkmaster,Scott Gardner,DJ Grafyto,Mirna,Tim,Rock N Roll George,DJ Del Sur,DJ Jerry,rocky
Show info
Short, fast and catchy as heck punk rock and powerful pop music. High energy music with pop hooks that are sure to rot one’s teeth. Every song is guaranteed to stick in your head until you want to pry it out with a rusty crowbar.