Playlist Artists: Bajofondo Cerronato Conjunto Cuncumen El Canto de La Tierra Gina Chavez Grupo Palma Africana Javier Chapparo & Salud Markahuasi Nestor Olmos Richard Rojas Simon and Garfunkel Yma Sumac
Playlist Labels: Columbia Decca Fable JV Andes Music Muisica y Markeing Chile Musica y Marketing Chile Poolside Studios Promo Sound LTD Roli Sound Way self-release Playlist info for: 'Andean Hour' on 08-04-2015
Playlist for 'Andean Hour', 08-04-2015, on koop at
Show name
Andean Hour
Show DJs
Steve,Gilka Cespedes,Undercover Greg,Trace,rocky
Show info
The Andean Hour features the musical traditions of the Andean countries - Bolivia, Peru - Ecuador, and parts of Chile and Argentina. It focuses on past and contemporary artists, as well as on the regional and local genres of both rural and city traditions. It explores the musical heritage of the indigenous Aymara and Quechua, the music of traditional festivals, and the immense diversity of song and dance forms, instruments, and voices from the Andes.